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  • Hidden Gems in New York City

    9/17/2017 8:55:28 PM Link 0 comments | Add comment

    All 5 New York City boroughs feature little-known surprises for tourists


    Sure, there’s the Statue of Liberty. And the Empire State Building. And Central Park, and Rockefeller Center, and Broadway. However, there are little-known hidden gems in the Big Apple.


    Here are some of the secret gems in Manhattan:


    —PhotoTrek’s two and three-hour private tours, where guests are accompanied by a tour guide/professional photographer who not only guides them through several of the City’s highlights and landmarks, but also takes 75 or more photos of them as they enjoy the tour.


    The New York Public Library’s main branch at 42nd St. and 5th Ave. The building is over 100 years old and houses free exhibits and programs as well as being a conventional library. It’s adjacent to Bryant Park for a visit any time of the year. Of note is the unique public bathroom—yes, that’s right, public bathroom—perhaps the most luxurious facility of its kind in the world.


    —Kayaking in Manhattan—free! The Downtown Boathouse at Pier 26 provides free kayaks, including vests and even sunblock.

    —Arlene’s Grocery in Downtown Manhattan that has a karaoke bar backed up by a live band.


    Manhattan, of course, is one of 5 boroughs that comprise New York City. Many of the City’s outer boroughs have their own “must-sees” as well:


    Staten Island is more than just a ferry terminus.


    One of New York City’s most beautifully landscaped gardens is the Chinese Scholar’s Garden in Snug Harbor Cultural Center. Combine that with a visit to the Alice Austen House to view the works of the prolific photographer who documented life in New York City from the late 19th through the early 20thcenturies.


    Queens is famous for, among other things:


    The USTA Billie Jean King Tennis Center, home to the US Open, and Citi Field where the Mets play baseball. But few visitors to the City know about the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, America’s only museum dedicated to moving images—cinema, TV, games and even GIFs.


    The Museum currently is featuring The Jim Henson Exhibition. And when in Queens, visit the City’s “Chinatown” restaurant area in Flushing, one of the largest such areas in the world outside of Asia.


    The Bronx has Yankee Stadium and the Bronx Zoo...


    ...But few outside of native New Yorkers know that the real Little Italy is in the Bronx neighborhood of Belmont, anchored by Arthur Avenue. Stop into any restaurant for the finest zuppa de pesce this side of the Atlantic.


    It’s no secret that Brooklyn would be a stand-alone destination...


    NBA basketball and NHL hockey at the Barclay Center. Hot dogs and roller coasters at world famous Coney Island. Arguably the best pizza in America.


    However, there’s a cemetery in the middle of the borough that’s now a National Historic Landmark. Green-Wood Cemetery at one time was second to only Niagara Falls as the nation’s most visited tourist attraction. It’s sheer beauty, along with a virtual who’s who of celebrities and historic figures who now are permanent residents of Green-Wood, make this one of our hidden secret gems in the City’s most populous borough.


    Whether your a first-time visitors or Big Apple veterans, Tyus Tours & Travel can take care of everything you’ll want to do, from the “must-see” attractions to the hidden gems. One phone call (866-547-5362) or a visit to tyustours.com/nycvp is all you need.


     Have you visited New York City recently? We’d love to hear your favorite spots too. Email us at travel@tyustours.com.


  • Statement from Sharon Flax-Brutus, Director of Tourism for the British Virgin Islands:

    9/9/2017 7:48:21 AM Link 0 comments | Add comment


    The destruction caused by Hurricane Irma in the British Virgin Islands has been devastating.
    With cell phone towers down and power outages, it has been difficult to receive communication
    from within the territory, and to fully assess the damage. The destination has lost entire
    structures and many homes are without roofs, or have been diminished to merely foundations.

    Sadly, there may have been fatalities in the territory, but there are none confirmed at this time as
    we are still in the assessment process, which has been a challenge due to lack of communication.

    The Government has begun to coordinate humanitarian relief efforts and an initial clean-up
    operation. We received word that the UK government is sending Royal Navy flagship HMS
    Ocean to offer relief and support, hopefully arriving Friday, September 8th.

    Hurricane Jose, a Category 3 hurricane, is slated to reach the destination this weekend, so we are
    doing our best to make sure people in the BVI are making safety a priority.

    Please keep your thoughts and prayers with the people of the BVI, and send donations to the BVI
    Recovery Fund
    , set up on behalf of the government, in partnership with Pledgeling.

    We want to thank everyone for the outpouring of support for the BVI community. The people of
    the British Virgin Islands are resilient and we are confident we will be able to rebuild.

    To Donate:
    Text “BVI” to 707070 to donate to the BVI Recovery Fund
    Or visit http://pledgeling.us/bvi

  • September is Passport Awareness Month

    9/4/2017 12:49:08 AM Link 0 comments | Add comment


    September is Passport Awareness Month, and we want you to know about the upcoming changes to domestic air travel as part of the Real ID Act!


     How a Passport Can Help You Fly in the U.S.


    Effective January 22, 2018, air travelers with identification (ID) that does not meet the REAL ID Act requirements or whose state does not have an extension  must present an alternate form of ID in order to board a domestic flight.


    The U.S. passport book and U.S. passport card are both Real ID compliant and can be used for domestic air travel. 


    The passport card cannot be used for international air travel, but here is why it is a great ID to have in your wallet:

    >It is Real ID compliant

    >Can be used for entering the United States at land border crossings and sea ports-of-entry from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.

    >It only costs $30 for adults if you already have a passport book, and only $55 for first time adult applicants.    

    >Same validity as the passport book: If you’re over 16, your passport card is valid for 10 years. If you’re under 16, your passport card is valid for 5 years.



    How do I get a passport card?


    Not sure if your state’s driver’s license and ID are Real ID compliant? Check your state’s status here.  For a complete list of acceptable forms of identification to fly domestically visit TSA


    You should also check with your state’s licensing agency about how to get a REAL ID compliant identification card, like an enhanced driver’s license, if they offer one.


    Use our How to Apply Wizard to get started. 

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